Logie Durno Sheep
quality from the north of scotland
01467 681 579


Flagship terminal sire breed


The Durno is the most popular terminal sire that we breed because of its ability to work in almost every situation. Durno rams have been designed to be used across any ewe giving their offspring increased: vigour, growth rate and saleable meat without increasing problems.

Durnos have been stabilised as a breed for over 10 years now, with Charollais and Texels being the original parents. The Texel bloodlines in the equation provide hardiness, gigot, carcase quality and easy fleshing abilities. The inclusion of the Charollais bloodlines provide length, high growth rate, conformation and easy lambing. Over the ten years that the Durno has been stabilised it has been selected for lambing ease and vigour at birth followed by length, a tight skin and weight gain as the lamb gets older. Logie Durno Sheep have a unique style of sheep which is instantly recognisable. The tight skins and length have been at the top of selection from the start and is very noticable in their progeny.

The Durno flock is lambed in April in a system just like any commercial flock. At lambing time they are recorded in a unique Logie Durno way providing customers with both signet breeding values and physical data of lambing ease, hardiness and vigour at birth.

Shearling rams which come from this flock therefore have excelled and passed every selection hurdle. In a system that their offspring are likely to be reared in. It makes sense to buy rams that have thrived on grass, if that is what their progeny will have to do.

  • Phil and Owain Hughes, North Wales

We run 3350 ewes at Cwmlanerch, Conwy.  850 of the ewes are Welsh Mountains for the higher ground not far from Mt Snowdon.  We tup the oldest ewes every year to the Logie to produce replacements for the lower ground which we tup with the Durno.  As lambs the Logie females are tupped with the Durno Beltex, then Durnos for the rest of their lives.

The Durno lambs out of Logie ewes are growing very fast and killing out very well.  The lambs are very long and weigh heavy.  We order Durno rams every year direct from farm.


There is a Huge Selection of Durno rams available in 2021 which can be ordered today and delivered anywhere in the UK.