Logie Durno Jackpot

Jackpot in his prime as a shearling ram weighed 175kg ( pictured above ). He has the myomax Gold gene and is out of our now infamous ZFY 5122 ewe and Rockvilla Golden Promise, who win the Interbreed sheep champion at the Royal Welsh in 2008. Jackpot was shown in 2010 where he won reserve champion at the highland, champion at the Royal Welsh and Interbreed sheep champion at Black isle.
His siblings have done just as well, with brothers Kings Ransom, King of Diamonds and Kingmaker selling for 6,200gns, 3,000gns and 2,000gns respectively. While sisters of his have been placed Reserve Champion at the RWAS 2010, and 3rd place shearling ewe and 1st place ewe lamb at the RWAS 2011. And more recently, in 2012 an ET sister, Logie Durno Kate won the RHAS, the RWAS and the Interbreed single, pair and group of three at the RWAS 2012.