Logie Durno Sheep
quality from the north of scotland
01467 681 579
Logie Durno Jackpot ZNN 9012 ARR/ARR



Kate - Full sister to Jackpot

Kings Ransome - 6,200gns
Breed Champion at RWAS 2010. Full brother to 2nd top price lamb at Worcester 2010 L.D Kings Ransome sold for 6,200gns and top price lamb at Builth Main sale sold for 2,200gns who went on to win reserve male at the Great Yorkshire Show 2011 as well as L.D King of Diamonds sold for 3,000gns. His full sisters have consistently been amongst the best ewes in the flock and include L.D Kate, Interbreed Champion RWAS 2012 and Breed Champion RHAS 2012, along with L.D Kylie 1st Prize ewe lamb RWAS 2010 and ZNN 1102227 1st prize ewe lamb RWAS 2011.
Jackpot's progeny has sold to a top of 5,100gns and his top ten daughters sold at our production sale in 2011 averaged 2,035gns. Breed Index 372 £35 per dose.