Logie Durno Sheep
quality from the north of scotland
01467 681 579
ZNN 4300

ZNN 4300

ZNN 4300

ZNN 4300 son, Interbreed Champion at the Highland show 2009

ZNN 4300 son, Interbreed Champion Great Yorkshire show 20`0
4300 pictured above as an eight year old ewe. 4300 was born a natural pair in 2003, with her brother 4299 being Earl of Dunbar sold for 5,100gns to the sire reference group. 4300 has bred some fantastic progeny over the years, including I`m Yer Man winner of the Interbreed Championship at the RHAS 2009 and the Great Yorkshire 2010, after being sold for 3,750gns.
Her real potential is seen in her daughters and grand daughters. Between 2011 and 2012 they have had sons selling to 4,400gns, 3,800gns, 3,750gns, 2,600gns, 1,650gns, 1,600gns... and females selling to 2,400 and 1,700 in 2010. And in 2011 there was 18 daughters or grand daughters sold to average 1,818gns.