Pedigree Suffolk Rams and Females

We have a large flock of Suffolks which lamb in February. Our main objectives are to breed a modern long mobile Suffolk with plenty of width and a very black silky head. We use performance recording to help isolate the sheep which consistantly produce more kg of saleable meat per acre and breed them with what we think are the best rams for the job in the country.
Stock for sale include:
Pedigree Shearling and ram lambs suitable for pedigree flocks producing rams and commercial flocks producing quick finishing lambs.
Pedigree Ewes, shearling ewes and ewe lambs ranging frrom top end stock to flush right down to lesser value females ideal for producing your own rams for commercial use on farm.
Semen and embryos out of our best stock eligible for both UK and worldwide export depending on your countries rules and restrictions.
All stock are Scrapie Monitored, Maedi Visna Accredited and Signet Recorded.