Performance to plate OPEN DAY At Logie Durno Sheep
13th July 2014
"Performance to plate" - 13th of July 2014
The open day was a great success with between 150 and 180 people in attendance. The theme of the day was "performance to plate" giving on lookers a great chance to see something new and gain some ideas.
The afternoons format consisted a butchery demonstartion showing how value can be added to the finished product. Talks from Industry specialists representing Morrisons supermarket and QMS. A back fat scanning demo showing how what you see on top of the skin does not always reflect what is going on below the skin, and finally a look at the different breeds and options of rams that Logie Durno Sheep have on offer this year!
Do not forget that the sale is less than a month away now on the 13th of August!!!